
“I recently met Amber on a yoga retreat that she organized and taught in Vermont. Words are somewhat insufficient to express my gratitude for the entire experience. Amber is a phenomenal teacher. She has a clear connection with the deep teachings and philosophy of yoga, while still making her classes fun, accessible, and relevant to all bodies and levels. She is powerfully authentic and compassionate and allows you to feel welcomed and accepted within moments of being in her presence. She is a creative and attuned teacher who simultaneously encourages gentleness and depth. As a fellow yoga teacher, I learned so much from her presence, style, and cues, and will definitely be incorporating what I learned in my own classes. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with Amber both personally and professionally on this retreat. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

- Tatiana D.

"I have been practicing yoga regularly for fifteen years and Amber is the best instructor I have had. Amber connects with her students on a personal level and cares about everyone. She is warm, friendly and welcoming to all. I enjoy Amber's classes because she is challenging and motivating to each of her students on an individual level. She is open and often shares how her own yoga practice helps her in her daily life. Through modeling the impact yoga has on her own life, Amber inspires, motivates, and encourages her students to challenge and push themselves to try things they didn't think were possible. Amber has a great way of explaining how to get into and out of different poses, as well as what the benefits of each pose are.

Her teaching and guidance on the principles of yoga and the seven chakras has enabled me to make the mind, body, spirit connection that is at the heart of a rewarding yoga practice. Making connections with what I've learned in Amber's classes has helped to inspire and enable me to become and to stay grounded, centered, focused, and open in my life during both good times and bad. I have taken the principles of meditation that I have learned in Amber's classes and applied them in my life to help bring feelings of peace, calm, and being grounded when needed.

I have also learned to rely on my sense of intuition through Amber's teaching and the readings she shares regularly in class. Amber has inspired me to share the yoga principles and postures that I have benefitted from with my own family, friends, and the students in my third grade class. And that is the legacy of any great teacher."

- Mary H.

"I had never done yoga before and when I went to classes at the YMCA, I was lost. Large classes, numerous instructors, different styles of Yoga  and no personal instruction. Then, I took private lessons from Amber, life changing. I explained my reasons for private lessons and Amber "got it. Amber was professional, patient, explained the lexicon, clear with instructions, and listened when I had a problem,  then worked with me to solve it. I take Yoga/Pilates classes 3-5 times a week at the gym where Amber is one of the instructors. She challenges her students but is respectful of individual limitations. Amber appreciates feedback, and looks for ways to improve her practice as well as her students."

- Judy B.

"I have been studying yoga on and off for about 20 years. I have been fortunate to have studied with some amazing teachers. I find myself blessed again to be studying with Amber who is a wonderful teacher. Amber is inclusive and  easily connects with her students due to her joyful spirit and passion for teaching. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, you will learn from her. I have seen my practice steadily improve as a result of her teaching. Amber's class is the highlight of my day and the main reason why I still belong to the Y."

- Nancy D.

"In a world filled with Sun Salutations, I have found that the instructor behind the sequences is what distinguishes a good yoga class for me. I had the good fortune to stumble into Amber’s class and it quickly became part of my routine as I rediscovered yoga. Amber consistently finds innovative ways to challenge me during class while periodically revisiting postures to reinforce the feeling of progress. Her deep knowledge of the practice of yoga is only supplemented by her warm and welcome energy. As a fledgling instructor myself, Amber has taken a vested interest in my journey and has made an effort to attend my classes and provide feedback. Whenever I leave Amber's class, my body and soul feel good.”

- Ryan W.

“I've had the pleasure of experiencing Amber's elevating vibe for 3+ years.  She has been invaluable in providing support on my journey.  She brings enthusiasm, necessary postures,  poses,  intertwining mindful calming bliss.  Always each & every class.  Correlating to seasons,  energy.  It's challenging to sum up,  convey with words how positive of an opportunity She brings each class.”

- Paul R.

“Amber puts so much love and her whole heart into all that she does.  I have been a participant in several of her classes. She is great at explaining how to do the poses she is teaching as well as why and how you will benefit from each. She lets you go at your own pace and doesn't make you feel anything but awesome whether you can do all of the poses exactly or not. During her classes she will read something inspirational which I love. I highly recommend Amber, she is awesome!”

- Chrisi H.

“Amber is an amazing instructor. Her classes are an exercise for your body and mind as Amber always ties in a special meaning, quote, or anecdote as food for thought. Love taking her classes and I can only imagine what an incredible and thoughtful instructor she must be for those getting their yoga training from Wild Hearts.”

- Lisa H.

“Amber is the best!  One thing I love is that she has an extraordinary way of reading the room and tailoring that day's practice to suit the students.  She is so calming and exudes a beautiful, positive essence that I am able to carry with me through the rest of the day.  I highly recommend trying one of Amber's classes.”

- Jen L.

“Amber is a thorough teacher that creates excitement through her classes. I am very lucky to be one of her regular students. She truly cares about her students and helps everyone try new challenges and have fun while doing it. Thank you Amber! Mahalo!”

- Marisa P.

“Amber is an incredible person and teacher! Her classes are like magic. I always leave feeling calm, uplifted and strengthened physically and emotionally. She is a shining light. Her classes saw me through one of my darkest times.When I'm struggling, I've returned to her words and teachings for guidance. She is a constant uplifting and inspirational source, even when and especially when, she's dealing with her own challenges. I am beyond grateful for her and for every class of hers I get to take.”

- Jessica C.

“Amber is amazing at teaching yoga and she’s filled with light! She always changes her routine and makes it fun! I highly recommend her classes and you can modify as needed to assist with your own body needs. Amber also teaches a yoga  training program that I have been eyeing myself - if you have not attended any of her classes; you’re missing out!”

- Shauna C.

“I loved receiving my YTT through Wild Hearts Yoga School. Amber is very thoughtful about the curriculum, extremely knowledgable, and offers students rock-star guest instructors that really enhance the overall training! So glad to be a Wild Heart!!”

- Rachel R.

“Wild Hearts Yoga School is a magical place of light and love. The curriculum was shared in a way that is understandable and usable in daily life. This journey led by Amber is one I am forever grateful for. Amber has a beautiful way of gently helping me understand the questions I have and find the answers I am looking for. Not only is she an instructor but a mentor with a heart of gold.” 

- Kristin C. 

“Choosing to join the Wild Hearts Yoga School community was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I am a physical therapist with 15 years of clinical experience, a private practice owner and a mom to 2 school age kids and a toddler. My rational brain told me that doing a 200hr yoga teacher training didn't make a lot of sense for many reasons but my heart connected with Amber and I felt drawn to her yoga school from our first encounter in a yoga class she was teaching (my first in person yoga class in over a decade).

There are a lot of options for 200hr YTT and there are a lot of options for yoga in general. Other schools were also recommended to me but I felt compelled to become a Wild Heart and could not be more pleased with my overall experience. Amber is a knowledgeable and experienced yogi and she has a real gift at bringing together amazing people. Her guest teacher line up was AMAZING. If you are feeling the slightest bit drawn to the Wild Hearts Yoga School follow your wild heart. It won't lead you astray.”

- Jillian S.

“I would highly recommend Wild Hearts Yoga School for individuals looking to get their 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. The curriculum includes the hours for Teacher Training Practice, Anatomy, Physiology, Yoga Humanities, Professional and Essentials and Ayurveda. The guest teachers are amazing and some of the best in the industry. Most importantly the Program Director and Lead Teacher, Amber Gregory has been teaching yoga for 18 years, her knowledge and compassion provides a wonderful environment to learn and begin the journey of becoming a yoga teacher. It was an amazing experience.”

- Colleen B.

“Wild Hearts Yoga School training was wonderful. The curriculum was thorough and well planned. I loved the manual that was included with the online training, and the guest teachers were excellent! The Ayurveda Weekend Immersion was delightful.”

 - Heather M.

“I am so happy that I selected WHYS for my yoga training. It was a perfect selection for my needs, desires, and prior experience. All the resources, knowledge, expertise, and variety made it more well-rounded than I could have ever imagined.”

- Christie G.

“The Wild Hearts Yoga training truly changed my life. I began the training believing that I would gain knowledge about the body and a more refined idea of alignment. I did! But I am surprised at the mental, emotional, and spiritual shift that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I teach dance and musical theater and the breathing and movement skills that I learned from Amber helped my dancers and performers warm up their bodies and clear their minds before stepping out on the stage. These skills are transferable to so many realms in life. Amber is so well organized in all of her lessons.

She is thoughtful and supportive as an instructor. She offered a very personal experience for me. She not only has extensive knowledge as a yoga practitioner but she listens to her students with a warm open heart. She also included so many fellow yoga instructors that are experts in specific yoga specialties-restorative, prenatal, children’s yoga, anatomy, to name a few. I’m so glad that I chose Wild Hearts Yoga school!”

- Diana G.